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About me

Clarity and a well-structured working style combined with a lot of heart and depth

Hello, I am Ana. It was always clear to me that I wanted to have a family and at the same time do challenging and fulfilling work. Filling the different roles that define me - being a mom and being successful in my career, fulfilled by life and having an equal relationship on an equal footing with my partner.

First-class education, exciting career in sight

I have two international degrees - in law and in international management. I worked for consulting firms and most recently for a financial service provider for almost seven years. A promising career lay ahead of me.  Then came our two children. At first, I thought I could manage it all.

And then things turned out differently

I put my career on the back burner with the birth of my children and as a result my income decreased. That alone made it difficult for us to change our care and supply model. My space as a professionally successful and intelligent woman became smaller and smaller. I felt as if my role as a mom was the only thing left. That made me really unhappy and frustrated. The way out was very difficult.

Profilbild von Ana Piscitello, systemischer Coach für berufstätige Mütter

I wanted to be more than "just" a mom again. But how?

At some point there was a turning point. First, I got to know myself a lot better. I learned what I needed and how to go for it. I realized that I had many different and often conflicting roles. I got to know these different aspects of myself and made a conscious decision which should be part of my life.

Then I worked on taking space for myself and going through this process together with my husband. For me, this primarily meant putting my desire to be successful and have a professional challenge into practice. I made a plan and accepted help where I needed it. And then it started.


I ended my corporate career in 2019 because I wanted to work much more flexibly. And I also wanted to fill my work with more meaning. I had already started doing further training alongside my job years before and am now a certified systemic coach, consultant and supervisor. 

Then there was my absolute passion for yoga and Buddhist mindfulness - in the midst of the storm of small children and professional reorientation, I wanted to know more about it and trained as a yoga teacher. 

Do you want to be yourself again?

Perhaps you are currently at that same point as I was back then. Juggling with the different roles. And somehow something always comes up short. You want you and your inner (perhaps lost) needs to be respected and lived. 

My mission

Today, I support women like you who want more than "just" being a mom again, who want to take off professionally with something they are passionate about and that fulfills them - both intellectually and financially. I work with women who want to be whole with all the roles they want in their lives - professionally successful and fulfilled woman, loving mother, an equal partner.

Lächelnde Frau, erfüllt von Mutterschaft und Beruf
Frida, Ana Piscitellos Hund

When I'm not working with my wonderful clients...

... I like to spend time with my family, enjoy long walks with my dog Frida and am totally passionate about good food and music. Most of the time I don't need much of a program and like to live in the moment.

Frau auf ihrem Weg durch die Natur

Get going - it all starts with your decision! 

Do you want your life to include all the roles that are important to you? Professionally successful and fulfilled wife, loving mother, an equal partner. Because all of this is you and none of it should be missing. 
Do you want to feel whole and powerful again because you are living who you are and doing what you are proud of? Then let's talk!

My career at a glance

Career path

  • Self-employed as a coach & consultant

  • Self-employed teacher in education at various systemic institutes

  • Cooperation partner at ComTeam AG | Academy & Consulting 

  • Consultant for Strategy & Project Management at KfW Bankengruppe

  • Senior Consultant at plenum Management Consulting GmbH

  • Consultant at K3 Beratergruppe Frankfurt

  • Office Manager at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP

Training and education

  • Systemic Coach (DBVC, SG)

  • Systemic Supervisor (SG)

  • Systemic Consultant (SG)

  • Yoga Teacher in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya/ T.K.V. Desikachar

  • MBA International Management, FOM Frankfurt

  • Studied LLB (Bachelor of Law), University of the West of England Bristol

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